Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Understanding DEPRESSION

Well..i came across an article which defines human being and depression and it's connection in our lives.
Human Being = an inner and outer self, which carries our soul and these both work as a WHOLE in our lives.
Depression =  reconnect us to our soul.

guess's because when we are depressed, our minds are overwhelmed with questions of our existence in this world, why are we here, what are we doing, why this life, and ultimately we will hate our lives. thus, depression brings our mind and soul together to fight our hatred, disappointments and failures to be reborn as a new person and overcome the struggle.

Voila, i think depression is good then, only if we are able to CONTROL and overcome it...because depression is like a virus which can kill us...hmm!! 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

~I Feel Good~

p/s : I feel good and am glad when I am in novel class, I feel enlightened to read Mr.Saiful's choices of stories...but it is EXTREMELY painstaking and miserable to read in victorian class!!! The stories are so so dead boring and Wuthering Heights...uhhhh...i can't ever finish reading you...and the class makes me drowsy, sleepy, sick and tired!!! ohhh..i hate you...ermm..BOOKS..! However, I have trained myself to write long essays in that 2 hours boring class...and I submit my essays to my friends who mark them that's about it! 


Okey this is one mind blowing story and i am so glad to have read it! this is one of the most interesting, important, and beautiful readings i have done along my journey in literature world...

Orwell is so smart, imagine how long he would have taken to first make an observation into his characters, analyze them accordingly and craft them indirectly into their supposed personalities. if there was no presentation in class, i would have never realized the irony of this story at all! i would have never related this story with russian revolution...i perhaps would have been so ignorant! first time ever, am grateful to presentations, despite the hardships and efforts that must be chipped-in! grrr...

Wow pigs, and humans, and pigs, and to human again...! why are these creatures so evil??! selfishness, wealth, power, fame, why do all these need to exist? it only creates destruction, pain,  and death to mankind and to animalkind!

it's an amazing story, everyone should read it, it evokes us to be humble, kind, and wise in our doings and talkings..thank you...i am so deeply touched...!


Hmm...this is another creepy story! but, it kept me going and i was determined to finish it up. the suspect of the crime was beyond my ourang-outan??!!!! WOW!!

The story is similar to Sherlock Holmes because the way he solved the puzzle was alike. i really admire those who possess great observation's amazing! well, it's a good story, the ending was kinda abrupt, but worth reading!

It's a pity that the test we did for this story is ungraded because i wrote almost 4 pages. So, mr.saiful pls warn us before-hand and don't scare us again with a sudden atmosphere of almost like a "test" and a stern looking instructor!  

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe

hmm!! well this story was slightly boring..but as I continued reading I became confused and in the end, I felt pain mentally!! what a story! n now i hate black cats even more!

 Allan Poe has a style in writing a story, and he too has a style to make his readers to go crazy!

the debate in class was good, though most of the time mr.saiful opposed the rest of our arguments...argghh!

the posters were good too...we could see our friends' creativity and "intelligence" to create  back-up stories...lols!

overall, the black cat is a scary story but made into a lawsuit case in class and we became "great" lawyers!!